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Welcome to Episode 99!

We are broadcasting from beautiful and sunny Lawrenceville, GA! 

Our words of the week are:

Enterotomy is the surgical incision into an intestine.

Gastronomy is a surgical removal of a part or the whole of the stomach. A crocodile at the University of Florida had to have a Gastronomy after he ate a shoe! 

Foreign Body is any object originating outside the body of an organism

We'll talk about Lady Gaga's two dogs who were dog-napped. 

A bill was introduced that would limit the sale of dogs outdoor in Georgia. 

We'll talk about how the black-footed ferret is now the first endangered species that have been cloned! 

Lastly, we will talk about sheep and Dr. Miller's Family sheep farm in TX! 

Do you have a medical condition you'd like Dr. Miller and Angel to talk about? Let us know! Email us at [email protected] or message us on Instagram or Facebook!

Thanks for listening and make sure to follow GVA on FacebookInstagramTwitter, and Pinterest.

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